Mike talks about being diagnosed at 71!
I'm Mike, and basically, I'm the granddaddy of AWP. Why - well, I'm 75 years young, and I was
I was diagnosed as Autistic four years ago at the ripe old age of 71!!!
I was in the middle of a marriage breakdown (although, because of my autism, I did not recognise it) when my wife suggested I might be autistic.
I have spent most of my adult life involved with computers and programming, so my automatic
response was to use the internet. I quickly accessed the internet and found an autism
questionnaire (AQ10/AQ50). Hey – that's me down to a tee!!!
So I contacted the GP and demanded an 'Official' assessment and fortunately succeeded with the request.
Hence, I'm now autistic!!!
However, my “nature” does not allow me to accept that! I need to know everything(?) about it.
In therapy discussions, suddenly, Alexithymia appears – Low and Behold, there's me – no emotions, no feelings – am I a person, etc?
So, 18 months later, I am in a completely different place. I'm aware of the differing mental places between neurodivergent and neurotypical people, and I work constantly to balance them.
I am ardently pro-neurodivergence and am currently very frustrated because I can not get out there and advocate for “us”.
Why? I spent 71 years living and succeeding in a neurotypical world (even though I now recognise many issues which arose). Because I am “high-functioning Aspergers” and I have never had to suffer the trauma of having to succumb to mental health services, I am an “exception” in all environments in regards to training and promoting the autism perspective.
The main question I have is:- how many autistic people are out there who, because they are “High Functioning”, are not/do not recognise that they are “autistic” and are therefore 'suffering' the mental turmoil that results.
Life can ( and must ) be better.