Megan talks about life before and after AWP
Before I found The Autism Wellbeing Project (AWP), my life felt overwhelming. My house was messy, and I struggled to keep on top of everything. I was lonely, without friends, and barely left my home. My mental health was at its lowest point, and I used alcohol as a way to cope with my feelings. I didn’t accept any support—I wouldn’t even answer the door when people tried to help. I had little hope for the future.
I wasn’t eating properly, I wasn’t exercising, and I avoided my medical appointments. My life felt like it was spiralling out of control, and I didn’t know how to change it.
Everything started to change when AWP became involved. For the first time ever, I had regular support from people I knew and trusted. Even when I went into "turtle mode"—trying to hide from everyone—they always found a way to reach me and offer support so that I wouldn’t fall back into the same mess. Their persistence and care made all the difference.
Finding a giant Babybel on support
With AWP’s help, my house is now much tidier, and I can cook healthy meals thanks to their cooking sessions. I’ve started exercising regularly, and my favourite activity so far has been climbing. I never imagined myself doing something like that, but with AWP’s encouragement, I gave it a go—and I loved it!
Megan modelling her Expert by Experience uniform
Socially, my life has transformed. I now have lots of friends and am always busy, something I never thought would be possible. My mental health has improved significantly. While I still have difficult days, I now have the support I need to get through them. I no longer feel alone in my struggles.
One of the biggest changes in my life is something I never thought I would be capable of—I have become a trainer with AWP. The idea of public speaking used to terrify me, but with their support, I now have the confidence to do it. It’s something I never imagined myself doing, but I’ve found that I love it.
On a training course with other AWP cotrainers
The staff at AWP are more than just support workers; they have become like family to me. They make me laugh, they believe in me, and they have gone above and beyond to help me. One of the moments that touched me the most was when they brought me Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. That simple act of kindness meant the world to me and showed me just how much they care.
Thanks to AWP, I now have hope for the future. My life has changed in ways I never thought possible, and I am so grateful for the support, encouragement, and love I have received. If I could tell my past self one thing, it would be this: things do get better when you have the right people by your side.